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Elizabeth Wilkins


22nd January 1940 - 9th November 2021

It is with great sadness that Bristol & West AC report the passing of life member and track official Elizabeth Wilkins.

Elizabeth, along with her husband and life member Hugh, began in athletics many years ago in support of their daughters Clare and Ruth, at Packers Ground, the site of what is now the Whitehall Athletics Track.

Elizabeth began as a supportive mother, but when Hugh died she began to become more actively involved in athletics as an official. She began initially as an official in cross country races and, later progressed to supporting the Bristol Half Marathon and 10k. Elizabeth also donated the annual ‘Hugh Wilkins Officials trophy’ in memory of Hugh after his death.

Elizabeth also became involved in track competitions and was a well-loved person on the track judges stand. As Betti, our Officials Coordinator, puts it: “I always enjoyed her company, she was so full of life and an amazing woman.” Elizabeth qualified to be a UKA Official but regrettably was unable to advance on that path due to her illness.

Elizabeth was well loved within the club and leaves behind a legacy of athletes in her family. Following Clare and Ruth, granddaughters Rebecca and Emma joined the club. Emma and Clare are active and valued club members to this day.

Bristol & West AC offer their deepest condolences to the whole family at this sad time.

Our thanks to Mike Strange for his input to the above.

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