Following the recent club AGM, we are delighted to announce your 2022-2023 Bristol and West AC committee:
Chair: Maria Townsend
Vice Chair: Mike Down
Secretary: Benedict Westhenry
Treasurer: Natalie Bretherton
Membership Secretary: Betti Farkas
Publicity / Marketing Secretary: Ben Maliphant
Officials Secretary: Betti Farkas
Development Advisor: Tristan Jamieson
Young Athlete Development Advisor: Dean Garrett
Committee Member Without Portfolio: Joshua Moody, Kurt Taylor and Nick Harris
Facilities Manager: Eugene Hechavarria
Safeguarding and Welfare Officers: Catie O'Donoghue and Paul Jefferson
Coaching Coordinator: Chris Palmer
Record and Statistics Officer: Mike Strange
Webmaster: Nicole Neo
Our congratulations and thank you to everyone who has been elected. We would also like to thank everyone who voted and those who attended the AGM.
As a club we are always looking for new volunteers, so if you missed the AGM or would like to volunteer for the club in another way, please email